Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wandering into Pathfinder

So, due to some of the members of our D&D group complaining about 4E (Master J.....gosh, that doesn't sound as threatening/I'm-annoyed-at-you-cuz-you're-just-being-friggin-ridiculous as his really name....oh well), we ended up switching to Pathfinder. Luckily, I got to convert Aztryd to Pathfinder, so I get to keep her. She not as powerful as before(no more sneak attacks every round cuz of combat advantage) but..meh, she's still cool.

In the game we played today, only Master J and I played. So our characters are Hector( Master J's) who is a half-ogre fighter. He really quite ugly to be honest, and I can't say that his human parent had much taste, cuz ogre...what kind of sick person would wanna do an ogre?!!? Anywho, Hector kicks ass anyway.
I played Aztryd, who didn't kick as much ass, but I still love her anyway. She can pick locks...'nuff said. :)

So we started out in Neverwinter, and went to some mine for some dwarf. The characters that went were Hector and I and a NPC dwarven cleric named Stekgrim. Apparently this part of the story had some things to do with Aztryd background story of being a Dead Rat Deserter. So needless to say, she recognized some symbols of her old gang, and ended up having to tell Hector and Stekgrim a little about her life before this adventure. Also it seems as if being raised by the Winter King may have some lasting affects, cuz the cleric examined her and found that she is cold and has ice in her blood. At the mine, we were fighting and killing a bunch (and I mean a BUNCH) of wererats, dire rats, and goblins and found and disarmed a LOT of traps.
At one point we came across a Gnome spellcaster that claimed to be invincible...but died only too easily...So every time he told us he was invincible, I laughed in his face and shot him with an arrow. Ha! Invincible my ass.

We eventually came across a room where I assume we could have tried to complete a ritual, but Hector knocked over the urn in the room and broke it (what else could you expect from a half-ogre with an intelligence of 10....). A lot of smoke/mist came out, so we high-tailed it to the door, but ended up turning around to see that the smoke/mist that was filling the room had turned in to a column of smoke/mist. Hector, of course, had to attack it (again...what else could you expect from a half-ogre with an intelligence of 10....) and the smoke/mist turned into a woman, who turned out to be a vampire. It was looking like the only way we could survive this was to run, but thankfully Stekgrim managed to get in a Hold Person spell that hit and she was held for 2-3 rounds that we used to kill her. Unfortunately, Aztryd was pretty much useless in this battle because the vampire had a -10 resist to all non-magical weapons and Aztryd didn't have a magical weapon at the time...and on a normal attack couldn't do more than 9 damage...bummer. But Stekgrim and Hector managed to take her out quite easily and we got some nice loot from her.

Aztryd almost died, cuz while we were trying to get out of the dungeon so we could go back to town and heal, we came across a spellcaster that used a fireball attack that hit all three of us, and Aztryd only had 16 out of 30 hit points left, and the fireball did 21. So she fell, but thankfully the cleric used a group heal that brought her back up to 3 and she fired an arrow at that pesky spellcaster and he went to meet his maker. But while she was unconscious she had a vision of the Winter King who told her to go back because he wasn't finished with her yet, and then she woke up after being healed. Rather interesting, I wonder what the Winter King wants with her....But we made it back to town, rested, sold a bunch of stuff for 2050 gold but ended up buying a shortsword +1 for Aztryd for 2000 cuz she didn't have a magical weapon and we didn't want to have another fiasco like we did with the vampire and her.

Anywho, so the party eventually came to the throne room of the Rat King, Lawrence Genneu (or however you spell it...) and fought him. Thankfully he wasn't all that hard, and we sent him off to meet his maker too. We then did a lot of trap finding/disarming, lockpicking, treasure chest smashing (when the trap disarming and lock picking didn't work), and finally looting. Gotta love the glorious loot!

Since we're playing Pathfinder, we got lots of new magic items. Although, it seemed like most of the magic stuff we either couldn't use (like the scrolls and wand, and longsword +1) or I was the main person who could use it (like the bracers +1 (the others would have had to take off their plate armor to use them, therefore lowering their AC instead of raising it) and the leather armor +1 (same reason)) although we did find a magic mace, a magic shortsword (that looks to be more than just a +1) and some magic pipes (like musical pipes) that we haven't had identified yet. I'm hoping for some good things on the shortsword, since I believe I would be the only one who could use it.

Also, we all made 4th level!! Whoo!!
Now I just can't wait to play on Tuesday (if I can). :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aztryd and Lilyth

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So I'm playing this with my boyfriend, his family, and his brothers' girlfriend. For the sake of anonymity, I will be naming everyone Lord/Lady/Master whatever.

  • Me= Lady E
  • My BF= Master J
  • His Dad= Lord J/DM/GM
  • His Step-mom= Lady P
  • His Brother= Master N
  • His Brothers GF= Lady A

  • Lord J is our honored DM/GM.
  • Master J played a Human Cleric named Trev for a while, but now he is playing a Minotaur Slayer named Tauros (like the Pokemon :D). Trev has temporarily gone to the "Universe of Bathrooms," We don't know when he will come back, or if maybe he will just die from a very terrible...never mind.
  • Lady A has played a Eladrin Knight named Taelona, who happens to be a Fey princess.
  • Master N played a Teifling Hexblade named Abu...well he had a very long name, so we just called him Abu (like the monkey from Aladdin) for a while, who was pretty bad ass (and a complete demon child...), but  unfortunately he died against an even more bad ass, pain-in-the-ass Barbarian Boss (that just would not die), and we couldn't save him. Now he is playing a Dwarven Knight-like character named Mythnor.
  • Lady P has played many different character's, most of which are currently waiting in line in the   "Universe of Bathrooms." Poor poor characters...I don't know if they will ever make it to the bathroom with Trev staying in there so long...but anywho, I believe she has played a Faery Mage (whose name escapes me), a Half-ling Cleric named Haley, and maybe some others. I just don't remember. But right now she is playing a Half-ling Slayer named Jazmine (aka Pixie).
  • I have played a Human Rogue named  Aztryd Baelwyn. She died against a white dragon on October 25th , but was thankfully brought back to life by the Winter King on October 30th. Aztryd had a identical twin sister (who I played) that was a Human Cleric named Bridgyd Baelwyn. Unfortunately Bridgyd died on October 30th. She was killed by the Winter king, who encased her in ice because Mythnor attacked him. The Winter King for some reason decided to let us choose then which character we could bring back to life (Abu, Aztryd, or Bridgyd). Since both of my current characters had gone to the character graveyard, I got to bring back Aztryd. Shame, now the other twin is having to deal with the death of her twin. Oh well. But now, while I'm plaing Aztryd, I am also playing an Eladrin Mage named Lilyth. I just like her magic missile... :)
Later I will post Aztryd and Lilyth's character sheets.

Our Adventure Begins

So, I have decided that it might be fun to record our D&D sessions on a blog. I'm probably going to have to do several posts today just to catch up to where we are now. Let's start, shall we?